Maintainer information ====================== .. note:: This is internal documentation, mostly for Zope maintainers who manage software releases and the documentation Release process --------------- Maintainers +++++++++++ The following persons have access to the ``Zope`` package on PyPI (in order to release new versions): - Hanno Schlichting - Michael Howitz - Tres Seaver - Jens Vagelpohl Steps for creating a new Zope release +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Make sure you have the necessary tools around and install them manually if needed:: $ bin/pip install -U wheel tox twine - Create releases for the packages mentioned in `buildout.cfg` below ``auto-checkout`` enter them into ``versions-prod.cfg`` and run ``bin/buildout`` to update ``requirements-full.txt``. - Garden the change log and check it for spelling issues. Look at the changes for this new release and decide on the version number. Features should trigger a feature release. - Check the future PyPI long description for ReST errors:: $ cat README.rst <(echo) CHANGES.rst | bin/rst2html >/tmp/test.html && open /tmp/test.html - Update version information in change log and ```` and specify today’s date as release date in the change log:: $ bin/prerelease # if you use zest.releaser or $ vi CHANGES.rst - Update the version information in the Sphinx documentation configuration:: $ vim docs/ - Pin the Zope version in ``versions-prod.cfg``. - Run ``bin/buildout`` to update ``requirements-full.txt``. - Run all tests:: $ bin/tox -pall - If the tests succeed, commit the changes. - Upload the tagged release to PyPI:: $ bin/release # if you use zest.releaser or $ git tag -as -m "- tagging release " $ git push --tags $ bin/zopepy egg_info -Db '' sdist bdist_wheel $ bin/twine upload dist/Zope-* - Update version information in the change log and $ bin/postrelease # if you use zest.releaser or $ vi CHANGES.rst - Remove the version pin for Zope:: $ vi versions-prod.cfg (remove Zope pin) $ bin/buildout - Commit and push the changes. - Check that the changes have been propagated to (This should be done automatically via web hooks defined in GitHub and RTD.) - Update $ git checkout gh-pages $ python3 - Add the newly created files and commit and push the changes. - Check on for the new release. - Check the versions.cfg file for outdated or updated packages and update version information where necessary.:: $ bin/checkversions versions-prod.cfg $ bin/checkversions versions.cfg $ bin/buildout .. note:: This step is done after the release to have time to fix problems which might get introduced by new versions of the dependencies. There is no version pin for `zc.buildout` as it has to be installed in the virtual environment but `checkversions` also prints its version number. There is no version pin for `zc.recipe.egg` in `versions-prod.cfg` as it is only needed for buildout install and not for pip, so we do not want to have it in `requirements.txt`. The script is called two times so the rendered version updates can be easily assigned to the correct file. - Run the tests: ``bin/tox -pall`` - Build the documentation: ``bin/tox -edocs`` - Fix problems. - Commit and push the changes. - Update the Zope release schedule at - Announce the release to the world via and Maintaining the Zope documentation ---------------------------------- Contributing to the documentation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Any signed Zope contributor may contribute to the Sphinx-based documentation in the ``docs`` subfolder, including `The Zope Book` and the `Zope Developer's guide`. Just like with code contributions, please follow best practice. Test your changes locally before creating a pull request or pushing to the repository. Use a reasonable line length (<80). Building the documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After you have bootstrapped and run the buildout, you can build the documentation using the script ``bin/tox -edocs`` to create the documentation HTML output. The script will tell you where it saves the output. The official documentation site on `Read the Docs` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pushes to the Zope repository on GitHub will automatically trigger an automatic documentation refresh on the official documentation site at This is true for the ``master`` branch, but also for versions 2.12 and 2.13. The trigger is implemented as a GitHub Webhook, see `Settings` | `Webhooks` in the GitHub repository. The RTD configuration at is currently maintained by the following people: - Hanno Schlichting - Michael Howitz - Tres Seaver - Jens Vagelpohl Maintaining Zope documentation translations ------------------------------------------- The Sphinx documentation has some translations now. Adding new translations or maintaining existing ones is done in several steps. The following is mostly taken from Adding a new document translation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you are just working on an existing ``.po`` file you can skip these steps. - Create the ``.pot`` files that form the basis for all translations:: $ cd docs $ make gettext - Copy the ``.pot`` file for the new document to the correct language folder, the following example uses ``ja`` for the Japanese translation. If the folder does not exist yet, just create it:: $ mkdir -p locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES $ cp _build/gettext/maintenance.pot locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/maintenance.po Now continue with the steps in the next section. Maintaining existing translations +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Start here if the translation ``.po`` file already exists. This example uses a file ``maintenance.po`` from the Japanese translation: - At the top of the ``.po`` file, enter your name and optionally email address into the field `Last-Translator`:: $ cd docs $ vim locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/maintenance.po - Enter translated strings into the various `msgstr` fields - Build the translated HTML pages from the ``docs`` folder:: $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html - When you are happy with the result, commit the changes to the repository:: $ git commit locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/maintenance.po .. note:: Please do not add any ``.po`` files to the repository that have no translations. Those will not do anything but increase the size of the released package.