Installing Zope with virtualenv

This document describes how to install Zope into a virtualenv.

Create a Virtual Environment

$ /opt/Python-2.7.14/bin/virtualenv z213
New python executable in z213/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
$ cd z213

Install the Zope2 2.13.29 Software Packages

$ bin/pip install \
 --no-binary zc.recipe.egg \
Collecting Zope2
Successfully installed ...

Creating a Zope instance

Once you’ve installed Zope, you will need to create an “instance home”. This is a directory that contains configuration and data for a Zope server process. The instance home is created using the mkzopeinstance script:

$ bin/mkzopeinstance

You can specify the Python interpreter to use for the instance explicitly:

$ bin/mkzopeinstance --python=bin/python

You will be asked to provide a user name and password for an administrator’s account during mkzopeinstance. To see the available command-line options, run the script with the --help option:

$ bin/mkzopeinstance --help

Using the virtualenv as the Zope Instance

You can choose to use the virtualenv as your Zope instance:

$ bin/mkzopeinstance -d .

In this case, the instance files will be located in the subdirectories of the virtualenv:

  • etc/ will hold the configuration files.
  • log/ will hold the log files.
  • var/ will hold the database files.